Accept the labor contract that fraudulent action signs, it is invalid contract. 采取欺诈行为签订的劳动合同,是无效合同。
The invalid contract in China bears the legal characteristics of illegality, impracticability, original invalidity and deserved invalidity. 我国的无效合同具有违法性、不得履行性、自始无效性和当然无效性的法律特征。
I.In accordance with the Interpretation, a contract for providing guaranty to foreign parties in violation of regulations shall be an invalid contract. 根据《解释》规定,违规对外担保合同为无效合同。
Discrimination of Construction Contract's Establishment, Effectiveness and Price Settlement Method of Invalid Contract 施工合同成立、生效以及无效合同工程价款结算方式的辨析
On the Principle of Restitution to Deal With an Invalid Contract 恢复原状:无效合同的处理原则
Our jurisprudential circle commonly think that compulsory norm of law and the public policy is the criterion of the judgement of the invalid contract, but I think that only the public policy is the real criterion of the judgement of the invalid contract. 我国法学界认为法律的强制性规定和公序良俗是合同无效的判断标准,但真正的合同无效的判断标准只能是公序良俗。
On Limitation of Actions of A Invalid Contract 无效合同的诉讼时效问题刍议
Invalid contract and contract with undetermined effect are two kinds of contracts with different nature. Because people can not know clearly to these two kinds of contracts, they can not advocate their own rights in accordance with the law. 无效合同与效力待定合同是两种不同性质的合同,但由于人们对这两种合同认识不清,而不能依法主张自己的权利。
It used the definition of cancelable and invalid contract in the contract law, also that of other countries as references. 该部分借鉴了合同法关于可撤销合同以及无效合同的规定,并考察了世界各国关于无效劳动合同的规定。
The establishment of the invalid contract system is the basis of realizing the contract's effect. 无效合同制度的建立是解决合同效力的基础。
Through the analysis of the invalid contract system in the new contract law, the article analyses the system's features and types and points out the necessity and importance of setting up the invalid contract system in our country. 本文通过对我国新合同法中无效合同制度的分析,论述了新合同法中的无效合同制度的特征及种类,指出了我国建立无效合同制度的必要性和重要性。
In this paper, invalid contract and the contract with undetermined effect are analyzed from three respects so as to deepen people's understanding of these two kinds of contracts. 对无效合同与效力待定合同应从三个方面加以比较分析,以期加深人们对这两种合同的认识。
The paper analyses the significance of establishing the system of invalid contract and proves the newly-issued contract law to define the range of it. It reflects the legislative goal of contract law in the socialist market economy. 本篇通过对设立无效合同制度的意义的分析,以论证新颁合同法对无效合同范围的界定,充分地体现社会主义市场经济条件下合同法的立法目标。
An invalid contract shall have no legally binding force ever from the very beginning, but the other part of the contract which validity without affected by the invalid part and the dispute settlement clause which is independently existing in the contract shall still be valid. 无效合同没有法律约束力,但合同中不受无效部分影响的其他部分及独立存在的有关解决争议方法的条款仍具有法律效力。
To cancelling the contract and invalid contract and carrying on comparative analysis; 对可撤销合同与无效合同进行比较分析;阐述可撤销合同的作用。
On Legal Consequence of Invalid Contract 无效合同的法律后果
View on the Range of Chinese Invalid Contract Next Best View for Range Sensor System 对我国无效合同范围的看法视程图象传感系统的最佳视点
Therefore, the law should make clear its managing and asserting entity for realizing the real management and regulation of the invalid contract. 因此,对于无效合同,法律应当明确其管理和主张主体,以真正达到对无效合同管理、规范的目的。
A contract which violates the law will get negative evaluations. And the law may judge it to be a invalid contract. 合同违反法律,会得到法律的否定性评价,可能被判定为无效合同。
Thus, the third party interests is under the protection of invalid contract rules. The law does not recognize the enforcement of the contract. 由此可见,第三人利益已为此无效合同制度所保护,法律不承认损害第三人利益合同的法律效力。
If the parties in the share transfer contract fail to notify the other shareholders for advice, the share transfer contract should be recognized as a partial invalid contract, which refers to correcting the valid of share transfer. 如果股权转让合同当事人未将股权转让事宜通知其他股东,征询其意见,则该股权转让合同宜认定为部分无效合同,具体是指股权交付无效,可得以补正,且该补正具有溯及力。
Invalid contract system is a necessary intervention of the law on freedom of contract, by negative evaluation of the contract to guide the contracting behavior of the parties, the value of which is to maintain the social and public interests. 无效合同制度是法律对合同自由的必要干预,通过对合同的否定性评价来引导当事人的缔约行为,其制度价值在于维护社会公共利益。
The invalid contract is in relation to the terms of the contract, although it refers to the establishment of the contract, but because of their violations of laws and administrative regulations or public order and good customs, it was confirmed invalid. 无效合同是相对于有效合同而言的,它是指合同虽然成立,但因其违反法律、行政法规或公序良俗,因此被确认无效。
Finally, the writer comes to the conclusion: If the other shareholders vote against stock transfer, the share transfer contract should be regarded as an invalid contract, and it should not be treated. 最后,得出笔者的结论:如果其他股东否决股权转让,则该股权转让合同宜认定为完全无效合同,并不得救治。
In the 2nd Chapter, the thesis analyses three kinds of invalid contract. 本文第二章对违法合同的无效的三种情形进行了区别与分析。
In Britain, the United states and other countries, invalid contract is known as the illegal contract. 在英、美等国,无效合同被称为不法合同。
In the previous theories, the part will contract related problem divided into four aspects. Such as the establishment of the contract, contract, invalid contract and contract potency root. 在以往理论观点的基础上,该部分将合同相关问题划分为四个方面,即合同的成立、合同的生效、无效合同与合同的效力根源。
Through the case, it presents the problem about the selection of the two systems and the problem that the invalid contract system can be cancelled. 通过案例引发出当债权人撤销权制度与无效合同制度的选择适用问题,以及无效合同的可撤销性的问题。
The third part, after discussing the evolution of contracts on the share transfer and the evaluation of validity of contracts, draws the conclusion that without the approval of the administration, the contract is an invalid contract. 第三部分在论述股权转让合同效力演变以及对效力现状评价的基础上,得出关于未经批准的股权转让合同效力的结论:经当事人报批而行政审批机构不予批准的合同,系完全无效合同。
The legal effect of the valid and invalid contract embodies the value judgments of the state to the parties about their desired value; however, the nature of the invalid contract is a kind of restriction and intervention to the parties about their freedom of contract and autonomy. 合同有效与无效的法律效果体现着国家对当事人合意的价值判断,而无效本质上就是对当事人合同自由和意思自治的一种限制和干预。